Upcoming Events
What's goin' on?
Put it in your diary! On September 12th Random Camel Housing Co-operative are opening the doors to host a day of workshops and discussions on housing co-operatives and alternative forms of organising, living, and communicating. Come and learn about Co-operative principles and methods, take a tour around Ipswich's only housing co-operative, and hear more about our current vacancies.The day will run from 10.30am - 5pm with breaks, and lunch will be veggie/vegan bring and share. If you include ingredients lists for the food you bring it really helps people with food allergies/intolerances. I'm seriously allergic to Almonds and Brazil nuts so don't bring anything made with those, and please tell us if you have any specific dietary needs beforehand so we can make sure it's inclusive & safe. Also if you have children you are bringing please let us know so we can run a kids' space.
Details of workshops etc to follow nearer the time.
Future goings-on>>>
On the subject of events, we're also looking into hosting a music related day of workshops for winter [date yet to be announced]... if you're an artist/musician using circuit bending, making your own electronic instruments and generally making noise, and if you want to get involved with that, please get in touch.More soon...