So once again I've neglected the blog! Lots has been going on despite the online inactivity. In the months running up to Christmas we were concentrating on our subterranean spaces, making them weather proof and drying them out as much as possible.
In 23 basement - which we are going to turn into a band practice space - we've finished making the window from glass bottles and lime mortar mix. First we collected up our empty wine bottles cut the bottles in half using an electric tile cutter and fixed the bottom halves together using... erm... duct tape. We aren't sure how waterproof or durable this will be yet but due to time constraints we went with it.
Light tubes ready to be lined with foil and duct taped together |
Mark preparing one of the light tubes in the tool room |
The next step was building up the layers of lime mortar and layering up the bottles in a line. There are two layers of bottles.
First layer of light tubes |
John mixing the lime mortar |
Not sure who this is! Working the mortar from outside the house to get the front straight |
In between the two layers of bottles we laid pipes to help with the ventilation and air flow of the house. This means that once we start using the band practice space all the hot air will be able to flow out, taking moisture with it. We kept them flush with the wall by butting them up against a plank of wood. It was all finished by the beginning of November.
In 27 basement we swept out all the damp soil and debris, and friend of the house Ken hooked up an old CPU fan [from a computer] to an old lamp and placed it in a duct to improve air circulation.
Ken, Sue, and John planning how to dry out the basement |
A cunning plan to draw out the damp air |
We knocked out the middle separator so we could install the condensation-catcher |
So that concludes the underground activity post which I began in November!
We also had a new member - plus dog - join us, meaning we are completely full. Holly - that's the human one - and Loki moved in at the beginning of November.
More on all the other stuff that's been going on to follow...
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